New Continental Hotel, Millbay Road, Plymouth, PL1 3LD

Tel: 01752 276798

Benefits For Guests…

Money OFF!

There are two things we like at the New Continental Hotel. One is History & Herritage and Two is Money Off! Combine them and what do you have:

The History of PIZZA & £5 OFF!

Did You Know..?

Pizza is one of the world’s most popular dishes. It is enjoyed by people of all ages and on all occasions. Talking to a member of staff at the New Continental Hotel, they even told us that at a friends wedding, for the wedding breakfast, they had Pizza!

So, it goes as no surprise that with this popular dish, comes much speculation as to what makes THE best pizza and the most popular topping!

Our Pizza’s

In 2017 we had a pizza oven fitted in Steve’s Brasserie’s kitchen. A very welcomed new addition by all our guests, staff and dinners. We then created, after popular demand, a separate Pizza Menu. This can now be ordered as part of our  Room Service offer, as a Bar Meal or in Steve’s Brasserie of an evening.

The £5.00 Off is when you dine at Steve’s Brasserie and is for every guests staying here at the hotel or at our sister company Strathmore House Apartments. There is no limit to the amount of pizzas you order and the £5.00 applied to EVERY pizza on the menu!

The History Of The Pizza…

In 1889, King Umberto I and Queen Margherita first visited a newly unified Italy and came through Naples. Legend has it that they grew bored of a constant diet of French  cuisine and the queen asked to try some varieties of pizza.

A baker named Raffaele Esposito of Da Pietro Pizzeria (now known as Pizzeria Brandi) invented a pizza with red tomato sauce, white mozzarella, and green basil, to reflect the colours of Italy’s flag.  Queen Margherita approved of this pizza and it soon became known as pizza Margherita!

Though given the royal blessing, pizza did not become well known outside of Naples until the late 1800s, when Italians began migrating  and carrying their tastes and recipes with them.
bowl of salad
By the 1930s, the pizza business boomed. Italians opened up pizzerias across the globe; and in 1943, Ike Sewell opened Uno’s in Chicago, bringing forth Chicago-style pizza.
In 1945, Ira Nevin, a returning soldier to America invented the Baker’s Pride gas-fired pizza oven. This allowed retailers to inexpensively and easily bake pizzas without the fuss of charcoal or wood. Restaurants around the world started selling more and more pizza to their customers – and they became more and more popular.
pizza with olives and pepperoni from pizza menu
The real success of pizzas occurred when pizza made it to the high street! The advent of ‘The Pizza Chain’!
  • Pizza Hut opened in 1958
  • Little Caesar’s opened in 1959
  • Domino’s opened in 1960
  • Papa John’s opened in 1989.
Then, the BIG pizza push was in 1957 when they made it to our freezers!  Celentano’s began marketing frozen pizzas and pizzas soon became the most popular of all frozen meals!
Q) How many of us have a pizza in our freezer now?? 
So with this amazing history, we thought it was only right that we gave our guests staying with us at the New Continental Hotel and Strathmore House Apartments not only some fun facts; but also some money off!
rolled up £5 note
Ask reception for voucher today! Valid until further notice! 

Family Car Journey | The Survival Guide!

Create The Perfect, Fun Family Car Journey…

As the great Easter getaways are being planned, the roads will soon be full of families making their Easter road-trips!

Q) Are your toes already tingling at the thought?!?

Many of us here at the hotel are parents. Parents of babies, toddlers, teens and proud Grandparents too.  Most of us have had (or have) regular challenges when it comes to car journeys – both long and short!

Finding your own way to make it is essential – we all have different needs and varying tolerance levels – especially when driving! 

We want you to arrive in Plymouth full of beans – not full of fury! So, we asked some of our amazing parents and grandparents who are staff here at the New Continental Hotel, if they would share some of their tips, on how to keep both children and parents happy on their car journeys!

These tips are great for either nipping down the road to swimming lessons (which can be just a gruelling sometimes!) or making the four hour motorway trip to visit family!!

We welcome many families during the Easter Holidays and sometimes, as they walk through the foyer, after their family road trip, we can feel their pain!

Parents who are wearing the signs of being road warriors; and children eager to get out of the ‘tin can’ and stretch those legs!


We all have our own techniques; for some it’s taking  favourite toys; making regular ‘adventure stops’ or travelling at night!

Here are some of the methods staff at the New Continental Use…

Charlie | Head Of Housekeeping | Grandchild

Charlie is a super proud Nana! And although her Grandson is now almost old enough to drive her around; Charlie is a big fan of her IPad and so we asked her to search for something that could offer some ‘techy’ aid for the travelling family!

Her tips for surviving a car journey – load your IPad with these FREE APPS!

Talking Tom Cat

Talking Tom Cat is a virtual pet cat that’ll keep children engrossed for long periods of time, making him purr when they stroke him and drink when they pour him a glass of milk. He’ll distract them, make them laugh and I am sure offer hours of entertainment! You may want to turn the volume down a little – he repeats what they say in a rather high pitch voice! They will love it – but the adults in the car not so much (especially after the first few times!)

Pineapple Studio Jigsaw Puzzles

This is a great traditional style game; I really liked it because it cleverly fused old with digital! The electronic jigsaw – no need to hunt the car for pieces at every pit-stop with this one! This app features Toy Story, Twilight, Cars, The Simpsons and other options. I think it will be a winner – if only for 20 minutes or so!

Nursery Jam

Music is a winner and this is a really great, fun, creative app.   It lets you compose your own music by tapping objects. I really liked it!! It might be a bit noisy though! So, although it will keep them happy  – I might consider the option of headphones!

Claire | Events Coordinator | 6 Year Old Daughter

Claire is one of our super organised Mums. The Mum we all aspire to be like. The Mum that stays up late to bake for the PTFA and who knows her way around great Tupperware!

Being both super organised and a regular road trip maker; her tip for surviving a family road trip – plenty of snacks (and wet-wipes!)!

“We travel a great deal to visit family and friends – by both car and ferry.   So we have learnt lots of tricks to keep our little one happy!  The tried and tested favourite for us is making sure we pack lots of healthy snacks (and some treats of course!)  Some might say I pack enough to feed an army – but you can never be too prepared!”

Here are some great ideas – many that are favourites in our four wheels!

Boots also do some great Tupperware, with lids that really keep things in!

Katie | Events Coordinator | 18 Month Old Son

Katie is what we call ‘the cool Mum’ – she is fun and always busy doing fun and creative things with her little man.

Her tip is to prepare your spotify for the journey!

‘I have quickly learnt that: a) I may never listen to my own music in the car again and b) to get over the embarrassment of bobbing along to ‘The Wheels On The Bus’ for a happy car journey! No more shame at traffic lights when my son and I are rocking along and laughing at each other for taking the tunes a little too seriously! Nor do we mind when we make it to the shops and we still have the soundtrack playing – just without the music as we dance down the cereal aisle!

For us, a silent car journey just doesn’t cut it! We need tunes and laughter! There are some great pre-made soundtracks – or create your own – which is fun in itself!”

Simon | Operations Manager | 7 Year Old & Baby

Simon is one of the best Dads; you know the ones, the one we all wish we had had!

He is hands on, cool and always wants only the best for his little brood!

Empowering his little ones and making sure they enjoy being educated. That’s what matters so much to him; hence his journey tips being educational but FUN!

Learning Games!

“My 7 year old loves nothing more than to be armed with her special clipboard and selection of pencils and rubbers and her fun car games. Games we can all play along with – if she lets us!”

Simon has let us in to his secrets and so we have created some templates so you too can let your little ones get bossy – we mean busy (!) – in the car!

Alphabet Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Paul | Executive Chef | 12 & 8 years old

Paul, like Simon, is one of those amazing Dads. Amazing, but also one who might be considered a little ‘Competitive’! Often sharing his stories with us in the staff room of Monopoly battles at Christmas and Nerf Gun fights on Sunday’s!

Proving that being a great Dad is all about having fun…with a little healthy competition!

So…little surprise to any of us; his survival tricks for car journey is a game of Guess Who!

“Having fun and play times are perhaps the greatest setting for making memories, learning social skills and integration but also having fun!  With two children we all know that the back seat can be a frenzy of squabbling and ‘Dad he did this’ and ‘Dad she did that’s’!

So, I like to add a little fun for distraction,  with a dollop of healthy, family competition to the mix things up a bit!!  Guess Who is perfect!

It’s a great alternative to the ‘I Spy’ game – which has to be said, can be a bit distracting as the driver!

Guess Who! The player thinks of a person; it can be a famous fictional person, like Andy from Toy Story or Carl Fredricksen from UP! It can be a singer, like Ariana Grande or Bob Marley! Or perhaps an actor, sports person or even a member of the family!

The person who thinks of the ‘who’ then has to honestly answer up to 10 questions from the other players. With the answers they then have to try and ‘Guess Who’ that person is!

If the person is guessed, the passenger that guessed it gets one point, they then start another round. If the famous person is not guessed, the passenger can then think of another person … AND get the one point!

No cheating though!”

A BIG thanks to all our staff for taking the time to share their tried and tested trip survival tactics!

Long trips with children are always a little daunting – but they are worth it once you arrive in Plymouth. And hopefully our staff have given you some great tips to make it survivable!

All you need to do now is plan your next trip to Plymouth and thank us in person!!!

We would love to welcome you and share our city – as well as our tips – with you soon!

Safe Travels. Happy Journeys.  Family Fun Holidays.

On The Horizon | Prom Season

Prom Night 2019

Schools Almost Out!

Prom Season isn’t just about the gowns and the tuxedos – here at the New Continental Hotel we understand that a Prom for many is the springboard that connects them to their  unique and super important next chapter.

A right of passage that teaches young adults more than how to dirty dance on the dance floor and do up a bow-tie! Learning how to behave in a formal setting, using good manners, acting like ladies and gentlemen, are just a few of the lessons they learn without even knowing it.

There are the lovely clothes, the nice dinners, sensational tunes and understanding what reward looks like; reward for all the hard work they have put into their school years.


A Prom is a milestone in many young people’s lives. It’s a point between childhood and adulthood, to celebrate in a unique way. Often a once in a lifetime opportunity, and for many a farewell to friends made throughout our school years.

What’s more, a bit like a non-uniform day, it’s a great expression of personalities. We love seeing students come in their amazing dresses and suits; being bold, brave and curious and truly expressing their personalities through their fashion after being confined to years of uniforms.

With hair on point and outfits planned, what’s left to organise? The right venue of course!

Buffet Options

Sit-Down Dinner Options

The New Continental Hotel believes that we have not only got the perfect city centre venue; but packages that really work.

From just £19 per student you can have the very best Prom, one that everyone will remember with fond memories and amazing photos!

To check availability or find out more call our events team today; we would love to hear from you and hopefully be part of the goodbye to the old and hello to the new.

We would love to  hear from you! Just email:,uk  or call: 01752 276783

Click Here For Our Printable Prom Packages. 

Things To Do | This Weekend…

Mum2mum Market | Baby & Children’s Nearly New Sale…

Where: Harewood House, The Ridgeway

When: January 26th 2019 – 10am-12pm

Contact: Michelle on

Venue & Details

Join them on Facebook for the latest updates

Upcoming dates


There will be over 20 stalls packed with nearly new bargains for your bump, baby and children up to six years old.

With top brands in great condition, you can stock up on all you need for your little ones;  from nursery equipment, pushchairs, clothes, toys, and books – all at a fraction of their high-street prices.

Plus…there’s tea, coffee and cakes available for a pit stop, with free car park and regular bus services it’s so easy!

What’s more –  if you’d like to bring a friend, you can even download a two-for-one voucher.

Please note: Admission is £2.00 on the door and free in the last half an hour. Children enter for FREE! You will need to take cash to make your purchases.



Knowing When Love Is Real…


If you book a mid-week wedding (for just £1,500!) in 2019 you receive a complimentary 12 month JOINT Gym Membership worth over £400! QUOTE MWGYM19

Weddings In The New Continental Hotels Beautiful Ballroom

How Do You Know If Love Is Real? 

There is something so incredibly magical about weddings. They demonstrate love, and let’s face it, there is nothing nicer to see than a couple in love!

Weddings at the New Continental Hotel have always been such memorable occasions. When you talk to staff about what they enjoy most about witnessing the celebrations, it’s not just about how the hotel is transformed, but more about the feeling in the air.

We asked our Wedding Coordinators what it is that couples tell them about how they knew they had found the one.

The ‘love indicators’ shared with them over the years melted our hearts; so of course we had to share them!


Weddings Using The New Continental Hotel Bridal Suites

Love Indicators…

“I knew that he was the one for me because although we don’t always share the same opinion about things or have the same viewpoints; we accept each other’s thoughts even when we don’t feel the same way”

“We don’t have conflict. Yes sometimes we bicker but we are always on the same side. We are a team; I never feel alone knowing I have her on my side.”

“It’s so easy being with him. From the very beginning I just felt at home in his arms. I love that I can be myself without judgement.”

“He pays attention to me, but not in a false way, in a real way.”

“She is my antidote. If I have had a bad day and I’m stressed when I get home she knows just how to calm me down.  She always makes me feel at ease, she makes me genuinely happy.”

“This will sound sad, but even if we are apart for a day, we actually miss each other.”


Red Carpet Arrival

Have you found ‘the one’..?

Do these ring true with you? Are you lucky enough to have found ‘your one’?

If so and you are planning a wedding, we would love to meet you and show you how we might be able to be part of your special day.

With our promotions, package, mid-week offers and bespoke wedding options, we really can help you create the Wedding Day of your dreams.

Call us now and speak to one of our Wedding Coordinators on 01752 276798.


If you book a mid-week wedding (for just £1,500!) in 2019 you receive a complimentary 12 month JOINT Gym Membership worth over £400! QUOTE MWGYM19

Your Way On Your Day

Our Weddings

New Year; Striking New Suggestions…

The dawn of a New Year comes striking new suggestions for the hospitality sector from New Continental Hotel staff and customers…

Trends have to start somewhere. Change is made by people with passion. The future is bright when you have the right vision.  

We talk to our teams and our customers about what they want to see from our hotel and in the hospitality sector as a whole in the coming year; for 2020 and beyond.

There are two very different sides to hospitality; the side the customers enjoy and experience; and then the side the dedicated staff see!

We fuse the two together and look what beautiful patchwork we would both like to see for the future in hospitality in our New Year BIG SIX!

High AT ONE!

Plastic FREE

Plastic Free!

Both our staff and customers agree, seeing the straw being pulled from the nostril of the sea turtle on the BBC’s Blue Planet II made us all stop and think about the damage we are causing, without realising in most cases, to the planet.

Now, more united as a race than ever it feels, we all want to take stock and take action to try and undo and get smarter about the way in which we go about our day to day life. But not just that, 78% of the customers we asked said that they still want to be environmentally thoughtful when on holiday.

Single-use plastic was the main concern for travellers and our staff. Although massive steps were made in 2018; not just by us but many restaurants, hotels and bars, there is so much we can all still do.

The eradication of plastic straws was an amazing start. Led by Our Food & Beverage Manager Simon and his team, we were one of the first to make that stand. As a business we continue to assess what we are doing, what we could do and always ask if it’s really essential for business.

We have made bold pledges to phase out as much single-use plastic items as possible, both front and back of house.  Eradicating plastic completely we know might be a pipe-dream, but we are committed to continually asking the right questions.

Like many businesses and organisations across Plymouth, we at the New Continental Hotel were all super proud to be a Plastic Free Pioneer and a small part in Plymouth becoming the first UK city to be accredited by the global charity Surfers Against Sewage with Plastic Free Communities status for its waterfront district.

Here you can find our Environmental Policy


boy with goggles swimming in pool

Bobbing About On Your Holibob!

56% of customers asked said that one of the reasons they chose the New Continental Hotel was because it had a gym, pool, sauna and steam room. Now, we have never claimed to be a ‘spa’ hotel, with fancy pebbles and wicker furniture – and nor should we as that isn’t what we are.

What we are and what we have is a hotel with a leisure club that cares; inspires and installs confidence in everyone’s individual’s ability.

Our team of talented staff, led by Adam our Club Continental Manager don’t only have knowledge and experience, they have the passion. There doesn’t have to be fancy in life, there has to be generosity. Our Club Continental team are not only able, but also always willing to give unconditionally and always go above and beyond.

The time they give to both members and guests is truly incredible, and we know that this will continue to grow throughout 2019.

Wellness as an overarching concept is nothing new in travel and hospitality, but from our conversations with customers, we believe that 2019 will see a big rise in the number of people travelling and choosing very specifically to stay, or to get fit.

Find out more about CLUB CONTINENTAL 


Make Hotel Restaurants Great Again!

When you are on holiday in a new city you want to explore; especially if you are only in Plymouth for one or two nights.

As our Executive Chef, Paul Doidge says that he believes part of the exploration of Plymouth is the exploration of our cities amazing restaurants threaded throughout it’s DNA.  He admires the plethora of amazing and diverse restaurants in Britain’s Ocean City, and always encourages guests to try as many as possible.

We all understand too well that for our hotel guests there is a time and a place for hotel restaurants. Yet, knowing how talented our teams are; 2019 will be a year that we give Steve’s Brasserie the platform it deserves, as we would if it was a standalone restaurant.

Our Head Chef, Rob Dunne is working hard this year to really amplify the narrative about the greatness of his and his brigade’s food; and although a restaurant within a hotel he knows it too is worth trying!

Fighting At Four!

holiday packing

In The Air With Airbnb!

At the end of 2018, Airbnb was riding high for travellers as one of their main tools to book their holiday accommodation, and that doesn’t look like it will change in 2019.

Some hoteliers view Airbnb as a big threat; and yes, for some time many have either viewed it with downright hostility, or just ignored it with an ostrich mentality!

Here at the New Continental Hotel things are a little different, as we are not only hoteliers, we also have our sister company; Strathmore House Apartments too. We use Airbnb as a really successful tool for booking our 1,2,3 and 4 bedroom apartments on Elliot Street. Knowing how the platform works, having used it for some time successfully with our apartments, we decided to give it a go in 2018 for our hotel.

Prompted partly by an open letter wrote by Airbnb in March 2018. Here they tried luring hoteliers to step away from the major OTAs, enticing them with their lower fees and global community.

For six months we used Airbnb for our hotel; looking at it not as a rival, but as just another distribution platform. It just didn’t work for us as a hotel.

What it has done, is it has made us view things a little differently though.

There will always be a market for a wide selection of accommodation providers, and there will always be competition. What we believe, is that being part of success is success. We appreciate the guests that choose us, but we also appreciate there has to be choice.

Showing Willing At FIVE!

black and white phot of people toasting at a wedding

Getting Wed!

For over 30 years we have loved being part of couple’s special days. That will never change, but what we have noticed in 2018 and 2019 is that couples are stepping away from the traditionally popular ‘Summer Wedding’.

Now we see more and more couples opting for Spring and Winter Weddings instead.

What’s more there has also been a really large addition to the wedding calendar; mid-week weddings! . These have been great fun for us, as we get to see even more amazing couples, brides, grooms and wedding guests in the finest of fashion, filling the hotel with an atmosphere only a wedding day can bring.


IPhone and IPAD with pen on bed with wit

TAX Is Going Digital!

When hospitality talks tech, it’s usually in relation to technology  for the guests; features like keyless entry, room control systems and check-in and out technology. But back of house function are also really important and will no doubt speed in developments throughout 2019.

Keeping up with new and dynamic pricing software and AI booking engines can be a minefield at times, but let’s not forget about our poor accounts departments too – and we don’t just mean due to the techy invoices!

There is going to be a surge of energy in all accounts departments across all sectors gearing up for the ‘ TAX GOES DIGITAL’ manoeuvre in April.

Designed to be more efficient and to transform the tax system by 2020, this was the UK government’s original goal.

The plan is to introduce digital record keeping while also bringing in quarterly updating for landlords, the self-employed and businesses, covering self-assessment, corporation tax and VAT.

Wowsers right!?!

We have a headache just thinking about it! Whilst Development Managers and Marketers battled GDPR in 2018; 2019 TAX GOES DIGITAL looks like it may be a very similar fight for many Account Managers!

The year will no doubt be a full and fun one; with advances, changes and BREXIT! (You thought we had forgotten didn’t you!)

Whatever happens, there is one thing for sure; you can be certain that we will be here, doing our best to give our guests the best for yet another year.


Veganuary This January At Steve’s!  

This January – 3 Vegan Courses JUST £15!

Veganuary 2018 was the biggest year on record from 165 countries there were 168,500 registered participants! All joining in  Veganuary and indulging in meat-free burgers, seitan steaks and Tofu!

In 2018, Peta say that they received over 2 million views on their site! That is incredible,  people all searching for the amazing free (and tasty) recipes on their site.

Peta have thousands of delicious options that will satisfy your hunger this month, along with one of last year’s favourite from The Buddhist Chef’s General Tso’s Tofu. Cooking at home is a great option, but if you are thinking of dining out; then don’t forget about Steve’s Brasserie!

A hidden gem in the food scene of Plymouth. 

This year, Steve’s Brasserie is using Veganuary BUT, not creating a special menu! We are simply using choices that are always on our main menu and packaged them up.

Veganuary is the perfect month to add a special price code too, three wonderful courses for just £15!

Hopefully this will showcase to everyone (not just Vegans) how delicious our Vegan options are.

So join us and enjoy our amazing Veganuary menu; with a soup and warm bread for starters.

Followed by our sensation chick pea fritters with heavenly tomato and chilli pickle  and slow-roasted, crispy red onions – a match made in heaven.

Then Dig in to our trio of sorbet to finish things on a sweet note! 

Truly scrumptious for ALL discerning diners!

To book your table and enjoy our 3 course, £15 offer just call: 01752 276798 now!

A TREAT before your SEAT!

Matilda The Musical. The multi-award winning musical from the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Inspired by the beloved book by the incomparable Roald Dahl.

Are you ready for a night like no other?

Even though there are only days to go, there are still tickets available for you to see Matilda the Musical at the Theatre Royal Plymouth from January 15th – Saturday 16th February 2019.

We can not wait for this award winning musical to take over the Theatre Royal Plymouth’s stage; The Lyric. It will entertain us with this story of an extraordinary little girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her destiny.

Winner of over 85 international awards and inspired by Roald Dahl’s classic book. Matilda the Musical is a dazzling feat of comedy, poignancy, special effects and unforgettable music.

Make your evening breath-taking from start to finish and dine with us before you take your seats.

Start with the sensational sounds from our open Kitchen; and end with the sensational original songs by Tim Minchin.

Our Early Evening Menu is perfect for any pre-theatre night.

You can indulge in two or three divine courses of local produce, lovingly created into amazing dishes that will see you fully sated and safety in your seats for show time!

To book your Early Evening table before the show, just call us now on 01752 276798.

Early Evening Menu


Children’s Menus also available. 

Just how important an ingredient is catering at your conference..?

Planning an event in 2019 ? This will make you hungry!

Venues who care about their guests experiences; care about the food they offer for their delegates.

To find out more, we ask our Head Chef, Rob Dunne what factors he considers when looking at his conference menu planning. We find out just how he has managed to maintain his 100% success rate…

man sat at table in chef whites

Knowing your produce and passion; they are the key elements to any form of menu planning…” explains Rob.

“… food is like fashion, it will always be dependent on trends and new craze’s, so we take a look at not only local, but global trends. Just as importantly though, we continually converse with our hotel event co-ordinators, as they have the direct relationship with the organisers and know from them what they are looking for.”

2017/2018 trends…

“Interestingly, in 2017 and 2018 we saw that catering was by far the key consideration when planning a conference. Not only because it’s mainly the largest expense for the organiser, but because the food signals the break-outs, it’s where the delegates get to discuss the event but also network – plus it is always the one thing that everyone can agree on!”

“Food helps create the right atmosphere and the way we love to do that is by taking inspiration from local, seasonal ingredients, as well as talking to the planners and really listening so we can accommodate their vision.”

So, whatever you are looking for, we have the answer!

We have it all! From old school comfort food in the form of Creamy Seafood pasta with parsley and Parmesan, served and enjoyed in our restaurant; a hot fork buffet with succulent Devon beef stew and herb dumplings; a sensational buffet with home-made quiche and an assortment of fresh fruits and delicious treats; all the way through to a post conference canapé party; with smoked salmon and dill blinis, mini Caesar tarts or perhaps some pink local Lamb, beetroot rosti and redcurrant jelly.

The New Continental Hotel’s chefs know that the art of a great menu is all about the ingredients; the talent; the choice but just as importantly…the listening!

We always listen to feedback and ensure our menus have everything that discerning delegates want to find. Be it the food being sourced locally, plenty of vegan and vegetarian options or just plenty of everything! We know how to create great menus, with everything you want, on your budget  – we have it all and we will keep listening!

Has this left you hungry for an event..?!

Call now to find out more; we’d love to feed you!


The Best Of Friends This Christmas…

A Friendship Built To Last..!

Over the Christmas period, these guys have got pretty close! Elmer and our Polar Bear (known as ‘Little White’ amongst staff) have really bonded! They have seen people come and go, had selfies taken with visiting friends and even been kissed under the mistletoe (no..really!)

If you haven’t stopped by to say Hi, you still have time!

Elmer will be leaving us soon, but Little White will be with us until March 3rd.

The Polar Bear Explorer trail is a great way for the whole family to enjoy Plymouth’s stunning waterfront, and if bottoms without an elasticated waist band are proving a bit of a struggle, the trail is a great way to walk off the indulgence of Christmas that many of us entered in to!

From now until March 3rd, 20 Polar Bear cubs have been let loose across Plymouth’s Waterfront. The cubs are hiding in Sutton Harbour, The Barbican, Hoe, Millbay and Royal William Yard. Each cub will have a Bear Fact with them, telling us about the Arctic and the oceans, how plastic is affecting their home and how we can all help.

Once you’ve found all 20, complete the Explorer form (we have plenty of forms if you would like to start your trail here) with your details and make your pledge to help Polar Bears by reducing single-use plastics at home, at school and in the workplace.  You will receive a special certificate. There’s also a chance to win big prizes!

For more information on the trail and to download your entry form click here!  And here to find out about Elmer’s Big Parade 2019  and all the planned fun!

Good Luck – Elmer and Little White hope to see you soon!


Book Direct for the Best Rates! Secure the lowest prices by booking directly with us.Reserve Your Room Now