New Continental Hotel, Millbay Road, Plymouth, PL1 3LD

Tel: 01752 276798

National Apprenticeship Week…

Chefs in a kitchen

Before we start:

As we are now in the middle of the annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, we wanted to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to the team at City College Plymouth, their amazing students and to our apprentices, those with us now and those who have flown the nest to amazing new careers in hospitality.

Today we take a sneaky peak at the life of an apprentice chef…

It’s always hard saying goodbye to an apprentice. But when you know you have played a part in connected them to their future and to a career that they are passionate about; it really helps with the farewells!

Growing up, our natural aptitudes and interests often lead us to pursue certain careers. Sometimes we follow our parent’s footsteps, join the family business or simply look for the best paid jobs!

Sometimes we look to the future, to see where there might be growth in a specific sector. Perhaps we look at predicted skill shortages, or staff predominately made up of a generation starting to retire, with no one snapping at their heels to replace them!

However, sometimes, you are lucky enough to know what you love to do, what you’re great at and then consider the merits of a career based on your value; turning your passions into a profession!

Now isn’t that something!

As Plymouth bounds forward with growth and regeneration, as the city centre continues to develop and as Plymouth is growing in popularity as a destination, there has never been a better time to be in the tourism and hospitality sector.

Today we specifically look at ‘Chefs Life’ and see how, over the past seven years, we have been working closely with some amazing young talent.

The kitchen is intense, fast paced and dynamic. There can be long, stressful hours. It takes bags of energy, passion and charisma and it’s anything but easy! It’s full of pressure and high expectations of you…

…we aren’t really selling it here are we!

OK! Let’s help with that!

Staff Have Their Say…

We ask our Executive Chef, Paul Doidge why he feels that hospitality, specifically the kitchens, makes such a good springboard to connect young people to a career that will grip them and keep them inspired:

“ For the past seven years, I have seen many apprentices join us and leave connected to their dream of being a chef. All a step closer to their goal. Being in the thick of the action and really empowering and enabling apprentices is a massive part of all of our responsibilities; ensuring that the future of our craft has innovative new chefs emerging, learning and growing in confidence.

Becoming a chef is a career with surprisingly broad appeal. You can travel the world with it, teach with it, care with it; you can work across all sectors and you have a skill that many are envious of.

Almost everyone cooks at some point in their life; unlike plumbing or carpentry for instance; on a fairly regular basis the majority of people will prepare and serve food. When you’re good at it, you and everyone you cook for instantly knows. It’s a natural aptitude that is unlocked. Perhaps in your own kitchen, a friends or at school; access to the tools are readily available and accessible. Let’s face it, very few people will ever say ‘I’d rather you didn’t cook for me’!   

We have an apprentice currently that knew he was an amazing ‘chef’ from a really young age, after cooking at school and home and gaining rave reviews. For me, to nurture and extend that passion and energy with additional skills,  sharing my knowledge and experience,  is one of the many pleasures of my job.

Plenty of jobs require skills that you’ll never use outside of the office. Being a chef is an amazing professional talent that can also be used and shared in our daily lives.”

Find Out More…

Would you like to fin out more about the opportunities in the New Continental Groups Kitchen for apprentices? Then please email: with an introductory email.

If you are still wondering if a #chefslife is the life for you; then perhaps this may help: 5 Reasons Why A Chefs Life Is A GREAT Life! 

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